To Me! This week marks one year since I ventured out on my own to start Potentia, a private practice for Personal Coaching and Counseling. It has been an amazing year of learning and growing.
One challenge I sometimes face, being self-employed, is keeping myself structured and not distracted by what’s going on around me. However, summer brought demands with family/life events:
- One child graduated from college and moved across the country.
- One started college down south.
- One started a new school for eighth grade.
My attention has been divided among the three of them, helping in areas of moving and navigating new environments.
For these transitions I made a choice to be as present (mindful) as possible with my family, which meant temporarily taking my attention away from my business. However, my ‘mindfulness’ was challenged daily by my professional goals not being addressed.
As we get back to our fall schedules, I look forward to redirecting my focus and giving more full attention to my business.
When I sit with a client, whether it is for personal counseling or professional coaching, I find my purpose over and over. My reward is helping others sift through changes, challenges, self-improvement, and finding more impactful ways of living.
When I start to feel overwhelmed by the time not spent focusing on my business, I remember one of my favorite quotes by Arthur Ashe:
To Break Down the Quote:
“Start where you are”:
- I am one year into my private practice.
- My clients are awesome.
- I have continued enthusiasm for my practice.
- Many of the items on my to-do list have been accomplished.
- I have a set of goals for year two.
“Use what you have” (mindset):
- I have years of education, training and skills.
- I have a desire to help individuals grow and find more meaningful ways to live.
- I have a passion for learning, and increasing awareness in areas of personal growth and development.
- I have energy, willpower, motivation, and perseverance!
- I am grateful for good health.
“Do what you can”:
- I organize my thoughts, make my lists, and start out item by item.
- I meditate and exercise daily (personal development).
- I recognize all for which I am grateful.
- I move forward, one step at a time.
- I am aware of, and set my intentions for my desired outcomes (magnetism).
Each month I will introduce a new topic in which to explore growth, professionally and personally. These topics will be broken into four sections: Mindset, Mindfulness, Personal Development and Magnetism. I will give you thoughts, tools and strategies for implementing these concepts into your life.
Cheers to the next year of working together.
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