Life force energy…. it’s a thing!

Life force energy.... it's a thing

This time of year we often think about the gifts we will purchase or make for others.  I would like you to consider some gifts you can give yourself this year.  The gift of high energy.  I often hear people talking about not having enough energy or feeling overwhelmed during the holiday season.  All year long we are expending energy outwards as we work towards goals, and strive to keep things moving in our lives.  It takes a fair amount of energy to live these days!  Can you see your energy being used up in any of the following areas?:

  • Caring for families-children, aging parents, spouses, and other relationships
  • Managing careers: bosses, co-workers, changes…
  • Worry about diet, exercise, aging.
  • Trying to stay connected with friends.
  • Taking care of your home or living space.

Often as we turn the corner and head into December, there can be more of a sense of dread than happiness as we contemplate how will manage all of the above-mentioned factors AND fit the holiday “to -do” list into our already demanding lives.

Gaging personal energy and consciously setting intentions can be positive gifts to oneself, during this season and all year long!  The challenge of “running on an empty tank” is never truer than now.  Your personal energy is your life force and if you don’t pay attention to it, you will know!

This season, start by setting an intention of how you would like to see the month ahead be experienced and learn ways to honor your energy level.

I describe an intention as being somewhat softer than a goal – it is something you might say to yourself (or write down) that describes something in terms of an experience felt, rather than a goal achieved.  My intention for this season is to respect my energy level by paying close attention to how I am feeling and to have a peaceful, ‘present’ experience with my family and all those I might come in contact with.  I also intend, as I have done for the past several years, to start the new year energized and full of hope for the year ahead – not drained and worn-out from the holiday season.

Here a few ways to respect and care for your energy levels:

  1. Listen to your body/emotions – if you take some quiet time through meditation, slow breathing and basically slowing down, you can hear what is being expressed as either positive energy or lower, negative energy
  2. Keep moving – naturally, a regular workout routine is great for overall health, but I mean just keep active in the way that you are moving energy through your body.  A simple walk around the block, or even getting up from a seated position can be helpful, even for just a few minutes.
  3. Eat healthy food and really try to limit alcohol intake –  It is difficult this time of year for sure, but when you become aware of how these affect your energy, it will become easier to make better decisions.
  4. Finds ways to laugh! Laughter is one of the fastest ways to lift your energy vibration.  Whether it’s watching a funny show, getting together with good friends, do whatever you can to laugh and have fun.
  5. Learn to discriminate between people/places that rob your energy and those that lift you up – and then take action!
  6. Have compassion for yourself and others – judgment blocks positive energy flow and locks you in negative patterns.
  7. Spend some time alone in silence– unlike a structured practice of meditation, simply look for ways to be alone and not talking. Disconnect from the phone, computer, and TV.  Simply be alone with yourself.
  8. Explore working with an Energy Healer or Reiki practitioner.

So, set some intentions for yourself for this month and gage often how the experience is unfolding in your life – your energy, and how you care for it, will tell the story.

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