Today is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life

Today is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life

And so is tomorrow, and the next day, and next day after that….

I was an invited guest on TheOtherFWord podcast (a great podcast which explores inspirational stories of dealing with failure and adversity), talking about New Years Resolutions and why they often fail. It prompted me to write this post and create a “primer worksheet” for you to use when considering making changes and improvements in your life.

In 45 B.C., New Year’s Day is celebrated on January 1 for the first time in history as the Julian calendar takes effect.  And we’ve been stressing out about this ever since!  (for the rest of the fascinating history, click here.) .

So, this one day, (January 1st) is chosen at some point in history and over time, we have assigned to it, the catalyst for all our changes, improvements, and resolutions for a better year ahead.  To compound the pressure, we decided somewhere along the way, that when we fail to accomplish said changes, improvements, and resolutions, that it should be considered it a failure. We then proceed to beat ourselves up, and give up!

Naturally, it is a little more complicated than that; but at the most basic level is the failure in the not achieving the desired result, or is it because we have a chosen day, no different than any other, (except for the celebration and ball dropping in Times Square part), to pin all of our hopes and dreams?  Have we granted January 1st with super powers and special charms to help us make changes that somehow, we were not able to make prior to or on December 31st?

If Julius Caesar had not added the 67 days, March 1st would be the start of the New Year and we’d be discussing our shortcomings and failures by the beginning of April!

Talk about a major reframing of narratives and faulty beliefs!!!

Because I’m a huge proponent for making positive changes and continually working on personal development, I am NOT against thinking of time or a specific day as a starting point for certain efforts; sometimes we need a little priming to help us make big jumps.  However, we live life every day, and every day we are confronted with choices around these changes.  Our life does not reset on a given day, but rather is a continuum of the days leading up to it.  There are many things that are already right with our lives and to think only in terms of what needs improvement is cheating ourselves and efforts for positive, supported change.

Instead of focusing on “the day,” it is more beneficial to have a simple process to help you get started when thinking of making changes, regardless of what day of the year it is!  I always find a journal helps:  It’s good to keep notes of thoughts and ideas as you embark on a journey of change.

To help sort through some of these things, I have created a simple worksheet based on my podcast interview on theotherFwordposcast”. Simple primers that allow you to transition from where you are, to where you want to be! * It does not expire on December 31st and can be used any time of the year when you feel ready to make changes.*  Click here to get the Primers delivered to your inbox for FREE.

I help my clients uncover values and define goals that are purpose driven and meaningful. If you would like assistance and support with your personal development goals, please reach out or check out my (approach/process) page to get a better idea of what it might be like to work with me as a coach or therapist.

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