Changes in Latitude, Changes in Attitude!

Changes in Latitude, Changes in Attitude
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Transition and change are such hot topics in my practice right now. Clients are either looking to make changes or dealing with changes occurring in their lives that they perhaps don’t have much control over.

One major transition that cannot be avoided (as long as we are alive) is aging.  We don’t just age chronologically. Accompanying the aging of our personal bodies and health, are changes in our external circumstances – relationship shifts, children leaving home, aging parents, job changes or re-entry into job market, as well as changes in our social situations.

Perspective is my mantra.  I am the consummate believer that it’s not what happens to you in life, but rather the meaning you create around what happens that makes all the difference. (This is something, by the way, I have to work on all the time.)  

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Ultimately, it doesn’t really matter what the circumstance might be. Some events are considerably more impactful than others, however it is possible to work with narratives and perspectives in a way that allow for strength and empowerment in any situation.

In Coaching, we speak of geography as the environment or climate of a clients’ life. Personal space, so to speak.  Geography is an energetic and emotional field as much as it is personal physicality. I’m looking to take geography to a more literal place – because when energy shifts, perspectives shift and change occurs.  

For me, travel and new experiences have always provided these exact shifts and positive changes. My passion for this is the inspiration behind creating ROAM with Potentia:  Excursions designed to enhance positive change through mindfulness, nature and meaningful experiences.  

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There is a lot more to say on this topic, but for now, I leave you with my Top 5 Reasons why you will want to join me on a ROAM excursion:

1. You are making a commitment to yourself: your mental health (well-being) and future vision.  It shows that you understand the need to put yourself first since you probably spend a lot of time caring for others. (whether through work or home – or both)

2. The perspective shift is real – you will be taking massive action, to step-out of your routine and fire some different neurons for positive growth and change! There is evidence that linking positive experiences with new learning is very impactful.

3. You will expand your understanding of mindfulness and meditation practices, while creating spaces to be more present in beautiful surroundings. (This is life changing I can assure you.)

4. Increased confidence and sense of empowerment a certainty as you try new things, meet you new people and perhaps experience yourself in a different way.

5. It’s an excursion that has been planned for the most part for you, allowing you to spend more time thinking about how you can enjoy yourself and get the most out of the experience.


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